shortcut to create macros

hi, I want to create macros with Keybreeze (5.6 pro), but somehow the entry was corrupted, so when I type macros [create], something completely different happens.

Does anyone know to which exactly refers the command macros [create] , so that I can restore the right command (using the "list" function)? 

I did find a "Keyboard Macro Recorder.exe" on my pc, but that belongs to an ancient version of Keybreeze so won't work with 5.6.

Thank you very much!




Andrew Langford   4 years ago

If you right-click the macros [create] keyword and click Edit, or if you select the keyword from the Command List and click Edit, the target should be the following.

preset:macros [create]

If you save that, press the hotkey, and run the keyword, it will try to run the following.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Keybreeze5\Keybreeze Macro Recorder.exe

If that file doesn't exist, you can download it from and move it to that directory.

Franklyck   4 years ago
Thanks! The file was missing indeed. Downloading it solved the problem. Frank