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Paste text as plain text without formatting
One of the annoying things that can happen when copying and pasting text is when the formatting is retained. Most often, we just want to paste the text, not the formatting of that text. Some applications let you right-click and click Paste special&nb...
Modified 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Keep a window on top or make a window translucent
Press the hotkey and type make window translucent to set the opacity for the current window you are viewing. Or press the hotkey and type set window on top to keep the current window you are viewing on top of all other windows.
Both of these fe...
Created 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Create a shortcut to open a web page in Edge
To open the Microsoft Edge browser:
Press the Keybreeze hotkey, type add, and press Enter. For the keyword, type a name. For the target, type the following:
c:\windows\explorer.exe shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdg...
Created 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Create a shortcut to open a web page in incognito mode
Users may want to open specific web pages in Chrome's Incognito mode. For example, if you have a work Gmail account and a personal Gmail account, you would want them open in two separate windows.
To create a keyword that opens a web page in incognit...
Modified 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Create a shortcut to open a web page in a different browser
When you create a keyword that points to a web page, Keybreeze will open it in your default browser. To open the page in a different browser, perform the following steps.
1. Press the hotkey, type add, and press Enter.
2. Provide a name for th...
Modified 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Macro examples and command help
A macro can record your mouse clicks and keystrokes for a period of time. Save a macro as a keyword in Keybreeze. Then you can press the hotkey, type the macro, and press Enter to have Keybreeze automatically replay your actions. Press the hotkey and...
Modified 4 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
What are Keybreeze folders?
Keybreeze 5 introduced folders, allowing you to organize keywords and text functions into folders.Once you create a folder, you can press the hotkey, type a folder, and press Enter to view a list of entries in that folder.
To create a folder for...
Created 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Text functions: Paste custom text into text fields
Keybreeze is a Windows software application that supports text insertion. Text functions can be used to paste custom text into text fields. Press the hotkey, type a few letters of a text function, and press Enter to paste the custom text. Here are so...
Modified 5 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Text functions: inserting timestamps
Text functions support custom timestamps, allowing you to paste the current time, in any format, in any text field. Just include timestamp attributes within <{ ... }> tags.
<{MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt}>
Inserts Apri...
Created 8 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Keybreeze Overview
See also: Frequently asked questions
Keybreeze lets you perform almost any task on your computer with just a few keystrokes. Open files, folders, and websites, search your computer, search websites, paste custom text into text fields, automate actio...
Modified 7 years ago by Andrew Langford in Knowledgebase
Press the hotkey and type one of these: add, list, options, help, note, export entries, import entries. To edit an entry, click it or press Ctrl + M while you are typing.