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Adding OneNote for Windows 10
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get OneNote to show up to be launched by keybreeze. It isn't indexed normally. I tried creating a shortcut of the application, putting it in a folder in the documents folder and going through the Add comm...
Created 4 years ago by a_ober in Questions

Macro Continuous Loop
Hello, I am a new user trying to create a continuous macro loop. I did not see an option to loop your macro. Is this an option? Can you define how many times the macro loops? Thanks in advance for any info. ...
Created 4 years ago by cditomaso in Questions

Unable to rectivate license after Resetting machine
Hi Andrew,Hope everything is OK where you are!! Have just had to Reset one of my machines (BrunoDoring- Home PC DESKTOP-T0I0LAF 2019-02-21 08:14:03) but can't work out how to reactivate after reinstalling it.    Help!! Anyways...
Created 4 years ago by Bruno Doring in Questions

Keybreeze work with Remote Desktop?
Hi, I am not able to call up KB with the Hotkey working remotely. Is there a work around for this? KB is installed on a Win10 and works fine. I am connecting to that computer with MS Remote Desktop web client. Thanks, Steve  ...
Created 4 years ago by stfuqua in Questions

Chain keybreeze commands or create pnemonic text for keybreeze command
Hi, I want to launch Total Commander from Key Breeze by easily adding folder shortcuts to the KeyBreeze Command.  I have a bash file that launches it and passes in the directory.  What I would like to do is Right click a folder eg; c:\t...
Modified 4 years ago by jayjay in Questions

Hotkey starts KB but loses focus
Hi, I'm a long time user (2012), but took the past 2 years off with a new computer.  I have Win10 now and when I press the semi colon ";" to start KB it pops up the input command window, but instantly loses focus and doesn't accept input.  ...
Created 4 years ago by stfuqua in Questions

Jim Ward
Can I add a Windows App to Keybreeze?...
Created 5 years ago by Jim Ward in Questions

Open Keybreeze
I upgraded KB, but after I activated it, and then as per your instructions, attempted to close and reopen it, I couldn't. The program closed, but now it will not reopen. The app icon is still in the app list under the start button, but when I click i...
Created 5 years ago by Jim Ward in Questions

Transaction ID: 8W340232UU8216349
I have purchased KB, but when I try to conclude the process, your site tells me I have not purchased the program. Following is my PayPal receipt. May 6, 2019 Keybreeze LLC -negative $20.00 Payment Paid with VISA&n...
Created 5 years ago by Jim Ward in Questions

Does KeyBreeze support Environment Variables?
I just started using the sync feature and was going to change some paths to environment variables so that the entries will work on both machines....
Created 5 years ago by cford in Questions

How to launch batch file?
so I created a batch file, but when I add to keyword to keebreeze .. and hit ok to set it.. and use the shortcut.. the dos window appears the disappears right away and nothing happens.. yet when I launch the .bat file normally it performs its ac...
Created 6 years ago by Vegeta in Questions

"Add keyword to keybreeze" in the context menu not working
Just installed Keybreeze on my Windows 10 laptop.  Selecting a file and choosing "Add keyword to keybreeze" in the context menu seems to do nothing.  What could be amiss? ...
Created 6 years ago by poboxreg in Questions

Programme Safety
Hi there, I quite like the features of this programme and have heard good reviews. However, I am concerned about how safe programme is as installing such a programme on a work machine comes with some risks, I guess. I was wondering if there are any a...
Created 6 years ago by poboxreg in Questions

Moving to a new computer
I just changed laptops after years of loading great Keybreeze shortcuts into the legacy unit.  I don't want to manually reload them.  I am hoping there is some way to merge the accounts or sync the data.  Ideas?Roger...
Created 6 years ago by rogermcmanus in Questions

Open Control Panel
How can I have Keybreeze open individual control panel items? Specifically, can it open the system control panel? Currently, it only seems to open the control panel folder, but I can't find a way to index the items in the folder. ...
Created 6 years ago by jah in Questions

"Quotation Marks in Google Searches"
Previously i could search google with quotation marks. i.e. "John Smith" Ogden, Ut.....and get the resuts with John Smith , Ogden, Ut. Since i i uprgraded to 5,5. i will only get the search results for John.....will only get the search for the first ...
Created 6 years ago by John9x in Questions

Free Version/After 60 days
Downloaded the new 5.5 version. Was very happy with the old 4.0 version....Really not interested in all the extras with the Pro version. After the 60 day trial period what do i need to just use the free 5.5 version or revert back to 4.0. Thanks advan...
Created 6 years ago by John9x in Questions

denies me sync saying I do not have license fofr it
"You do not have the necessary license to run Keybreeze sync on this machine." What beyond Keybreeze Pro license is needed?...
Created 6 years ago by David Michelson in Questions

Index Entire Hard Drive?
Greetings, I also have Listary installed and when I search for "any" file, it takes a split second to show up - no matter where this file is located. I am having difficulty making this same feature work in Keybreeze. I search for a file in my downl...
Created 7 years ago by muzikman in Questions

Set Window Size
In an older version of Keybreeze that I used on my XP machine, I was able to set the window size of any application. I really appreciated that function, but it isn't available in version 4, which I am currently using. Is it availabe in the latest ver...
Created 7 years ago by Kelltic in Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I view the tutorial again?

How do I add keywords or configure settings?

  • Press the hotkey and type one of these:
    add, list, options, help, note, export entries, import entries. To edit an entry, click it or press Ctrl + M while you are typing.

Where are my settings stored, or how do I transfer settings to another machine?